After School
Exposure to golfing essentials.
Basic Exposure
Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.
Class Discount
Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.
Fitness & Coordination
Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.
Game Seriously
InMotion Junior Golf’s After School Program is our most basic exposure to the game. InMotion provides all equipment for students entering the game and Almost Golf Balls for safety. InMotion students will learn the motion and mobility needed for all sports and the beginning basics to the game of golf. Instruction includes putting, chipping and full swings as well as golf course rules and etiquette. Our goal is to engage the kids in an exciting way to enjoy physical activity. All After School Programs are held on-site at the hosting schools facilities. Please verify you are registering your child at the school where your child will participate in the program.